AFCC set to award Justice Debra Paulseth for her "excellence" in family law. Is this some sort of sick joke?
Greetings all. It's been some time since I've decided to write a blog, I guess you could say I got bored with it but something was brought to my attention about a month ago that lit a real fire under my ass.
What could it be you may ask?
Well a fellow advocate I've known for some time now reached out to me regarding the AFCC Ontario Chapter giving a award to Justice Debra Paulseth and my head literally spun. Well who is this Justice Debra Paulseth? Well let me tell you all about her.
Justice Debra Paulseth started out as a judge at 311 Jarvis which is a youth court for young offenders in trouble with the law and in all fairness and honesty I don't have much information on her from those years but it's where she started as a judge.
She was at some point transferred over to the family courts at 47 Sheppard Avenue East in Toronto and this is where we get to know Justice Debra Paulseth, her personal connections to the Children's Aid Society etc.
For those of you who don't know the Children's Aid Society is your modern day residential school system where children are typically ripped away from families and placed into their care, I say typically because obviously there are situations where children are being horrifically abused by their parents or caregivers so it's not fair for me to say otherwise.
Now back to Justice Debra Paulseth.
Where I became aware of her was the horrific and brutal murder of Kaitlynn Sampson. This was a case they couldn't just sweep under the rug as the media picked it up and did some digging as well as some politicians as it came out this little girls murder was preventable and the children's aid society was aware of the abuse etc there is alot of information online if you'd like to delve into the details.
A member of provincial parliament did everything within his authority to have Justice Debra Paulseth removed from the bench for her incompetence, filed complaints against her etc and unfortunately the Ontario Judicial Council rather than do the right thing and remove this judge to prevent further abuses, misconduct etc passed the puck on the matter which is their typical response and action.
Justice Debra Paulseth was aware of the abuse, had the tools to prevent this child's torture and murder but failed to act, in fact it came out Justice Debra Paulseth wasn't reading the materials, doozing off in court etc etc again you can delve more into the details online it's all out there on public record.
One result of Kaitlynn Sampsons murder was a inquiry and a passing of a new law called Kaitlynns Principal (Bill 57) to supposedly prevent another tragedy like this from happening again (feel free to read the bill online)
Now that's just the Kaitlynn Sampson case.
I will touch very briefly on my own case ironically infront of this same monster back in 2015 and 2017. You can if interested get all my case file if you'd like to confirm as I want to make this brief.
My case was one rife with parental alienation, child abuse etc and we had three seperate OCL reports which detailed the parental alienation and abuse. The OCLs mandate is when ordered to provide a detailed report to the judge from a clinical investigator who has a MSW at the very least, they meet with you, the children and tag along on some parenting time visits to come up with a assesment, they talk to the schools, teachers, doctors etc etc so it is beyond thorough.
In all three of those reports the alienation and abuse were outlined with their recommendations.
In 2015 I went before Justice Debra Paulseth for a summary judgement hearing where all the reports were ignored and my children's voices were shut out and denied which now I have no contact with as the alienating parent has denied all contact.
In 2017 I brought a motion to Justice Debra Paulseth about my children being kept away from me etc despite a court order and Justice Debra Paulseth wouldn't hear my motion as I owed my ex wife's lawyer $6000
Ya you heard that right.........
Now let's move on.
After all my experiences with this judge and the family law system in general I decided to get into advocacy work to help families and parents that are going through this hellish nightmare to navigate the court system, help them out with basic paperwork, teach them how to file etc and I've met some great ppl and fellow advocates along the way and ironically many more victims of Justice Debra Paulseth.
All the cases are the same in her courtroom in that if it's a family that is separating the good parent is removed from the picture and the bad or abusive parent rewarded with the children. In children's aid cases it is always the society that gets their way and the children or child removed from the home, are you starting to see the pattern?
The last case I will touch on here involved a 14 year old boy a couple of years ago who was being alienated from his father and was very vocal about what the other parent was doing and made it crystal clear he didn't want to live with that parent.
Well our judge here receiving a award for her "excellence" in family law kicked the court reporter out of the courtroom and instructed the police to restrain this child when he tried to leave with his grandfather rather than that abusive parent he was vocal about.
This boy was good enough to write a affidavit about what happened that day which I have in my possession if anyone cares to see it.
Despite all of this and this is just the cases we know of the AFCC Ontario has decided to award this judge which is disgusting just on the Kaitlynn Sampson case, now this little girls mother will be re-victimized by this and basically told her child's life wasn't worth anything or important and all of the others who lives and children mean absolutely nothing, not a damn cent or even a thought.
More and more with corrupt bullshit like this I understand what those families who went through the residential school system felt, utterly fucking hopeless, neglected and let down by our government not to mention the generational trauma they have gone through. Our lives mean absolutely nothing to these ppl and this award proves that point.
As angry as I got and am I think about Kaitlynn Sampson alot, i think about what she went through in those 7 short years, I sometimes cry thinking about her as I am at this moment, thinking about what she must have felt and how nobody in a position to help her gave a damn about her, I think about her last hours on this earth and it hurts me inside, I see a little girl who was denied at every turn.
Kaitlynn has been that spark in my life that has kept me going forward with my advocacy work, she is what motivates me to keep going with it when at times I feel it's pointless, when I feel like that I think about how Justice Debra Paulseth felt Kaitlynn was pointless but Kaitlynn Sampson was not pointless or worthless.
We all make mistakes in life all of us, none of us are perfect or even close to perfect, where I am going with this is that obviously Justice Debra Paulseth didn't intend for Kaitlynn to be murdered and I honestly don't like always having to bring Kaitlynn up when I am talking about Justice Debra Paulseth but and I do mean but when Justice Debra Paulseth keeps repeating these same behaviours that led to Kaitlynns death I have to say what the fuck is going on and what is wrong with our system to allow this judge to continue on the bench with no reprecusion? Something is very wrong with that system........
Anyhow I have to end this as I'm getting emotional.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and my other blogs.
You can also find my page on Facebook (family law help ontario and beyond)
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