Lawyer Ratings and the practice of censorship.
Greetings everyone.
It's been awhile since I've blogged and I have decided to start up again mainly because I like to have more reach than my personal facebook profile and page.(family law help ontario and beyond)
My page is doing well these days and I have a solid following that I am proud of creating from scratch. At first the page was more of a father's rights thing and a way for me to vent but it has grown to be inclusive of parental rights in general. I have a good following of both mom's and dad's and I'm proud of that. The main focus of the page however is more geared to family law awareness and help to navigate a very complex system.
I pride myself on staying positive and focused on the end goal, that being real and just family law reforms that put families and children first.
I've made personal friends and established networks.
Back to the point of today's blog!!
I have had a very peculiar relationship with lawyer ratingz that started some years ago over this blogger account or another I no longer use where I was exposing a lawyer, her unethical conduct, lack of professionalism etc here in Toronto by the name of Pauline Malcolm.
I have other blogs on here discussing that incompetent clown so no need for me to delve into that today.
Anyhow, some years back this lawyer after seeing the blogs went on a total tirade and threw a massive tantrum, tried to shut my blog down than started devulging confidential information about my youth court record as I was a very troubled youth and I am not ashamed in fact I am proud that I changed my life and didn't go down the same path as many of my childhood friends whether that was ending up in a coffin or doing years in prison and in two of my friends cases life sentences.
This lawyer if we can even call them that lobbied lawyer ratingz hard for my IP address which they provided mind you the blogs were never threatening they were always strongly and factually opinionated but never criminal in any way.
Well this lawyer has managed for some years now to have lawyer ratingz censor negative reviews, when a bad review goes up it is taken down within days or weeks, in fact at one time there were over 20 reviews, all fucking terrible of course lol.
I keep a eye on that site regarding that lawyer and recently there were I believe 5-6 bad reviews up and a few weeks later I checked again and wouldn't you know they disappeared like poof fucking gone again.
This time it actually got under my skin bad because of the principal in that this lawyer is doing damage not only to children and families but the profession as a whole. Lawyers like this give a bad name to lawyers in general.
People use lawyer ratingz to look at exactly that, the lawyers fucking rating lol it is suppose to provide transparency and god only knows just how transparent lawyers are in general or the bodies that oversee them.
Lawyer ratingz cannot nor should be a trusted source for litigants or the general public to rely on, it has been compromised probably for a price who knows as I doubt they are scrubbing bad reviews free of charge.
Although it is more tedious it would be best to use sites like canlii (in Canada) to put the lawyers name into a search and see their cases etc, I'm not sure of much if any other means at the moment to properly vet a lawyer.
Anyways people I just wanted to touch base with you and update the blog, I will start putting some more time into this and keeping it updated.
As always thank you for the support.
Below is a email I sent to lawyer ratingz regarding this lawyer and the response from the admin is included which is a complete crock of shit.
Here it is below:
I am a family law reform advocate.
We strive to bring awareness on a wide range of issues, I personally focus on bringing independent oversight, transparency and accountability to judges and lawyers.
As well I also focus on bringing unity into our movement and providing no cost basic legal advice and suppprt to individuals trying to navigate the complexities of family law in Canada specifically Ontario.
What brought me to write this email today is what seems to be the ongoing issue of your website deleting and censoring reviews that are not favorable to the lawyer being reviewed.
I will use Pauline Malcolm out of Toronto as a example.
On three occasions that I am aware of reviews have been removed that have absolutely no affiliation with me that addressed this lawyers misconduct and unethical behavior, nowhere in those reviews were racial epithets involved, gender discrimination or threats of violence, intimidation and or name calling/abusive language.
I would appreciate some feedback on these concerns and whether lawyerratingz will commit to providing a censorship free zone and free speech space where litigants can post reviews without having them removed on the lawyers request. I am sure you can appreciate the importance of transparency when it comes to those in the legal profession and your site being a lawyer rating site is in itself I would naturally assume providing transparency on a lawyers conduct whether good or bad and if said bad reviews are hurting a lawyer financially in a free market it should than be a incentive for said lawyer to correct said behaviors.
Thank you for your time and I will be posting this communication and your reply if I receive one online to keep in the spirit of transparency.
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