Ontario Judicial Council

Well folks its been awhile since I have posted, yes the struggle and battle carries on unfortunately, I have no good news to share in that regard but are we honestly at all suprised?

I have taken a break for a few reasons the main one being the PTSD that comes from my case, it has really done a number on me in many aspects and secondly the utter frustration with a system that is completely ignorant to it all from our bullshit do nothing politicians and government to the regulatory bodies that only serve to cover up the misconduct, abuse of authority etc which brings me to the topic for today being the Ontario Judicial Council and the absolute farce it is truly is.

The only time i have seen this joke of a council disipline a judge in this province is either when its politically motivated or when the misconduct cannot be covered up for example it being in the media but even than I have seen it go nowhere such as was the case in the Kaitlyn Sampson case.

For anyone not aware of that case it involved a minor first nations child that was before Justice Debra Paulseth out of Torontos 47 Sheppard avenue courthouse.

Long story short Kaitlyn was brutally murdered because of Justice Paulseths very blatant and obvious incompetence which led to this little girl being placed into an abusive home, Kaitlyns mother was not in a position to care for Kaitlyn at the time. (she was not involved in the murder)

There are many articles online detailing in further depth the case if you want to know more.

The late Peter kormos NDP MPP (member of provincial parliment)  was Kaitlyns only voice and advocate in the end who did everything within his power to expose this incompetent and dangerous fool behind the bench, going to media and filing a complaint to the judical council.

Nothing became of that complaint despite the mountain of evidence and this fool is still behind the bench destroying lives.

One thing that did become of Mr Kormos efforts and exposure was the Ontario government passing a bill (Bill 57) Kaitlyns principal.

That bill was designed to prevent what Justice Paulseth did and her actions from ever happening again but yet that clown in a gown is still hearing matters involving children....

Justice Paulseth is still behaving in the same manner, not reading materials, berrading litigants, not giving children a voice and platform, disregarding the childs needs wants and wishes, seperating children from fit and loving parents etc.

The two photos i have shared are from a complaint I had filed where my child now an 11 year old girl is being negatively impacted by this clowns decisions, im not going to get into the meat and bones of my case as i want to protect as much as possible my childs identity as she is a minor.

My complaint was professionally done and worded with alot of on record evidence attached such as court orders etc.

As you can see my complaint as is every other one not taken seriously and brushed off i was honestly not at all suprised by it and was expected some nonsense irrelavant letter which is attached to this post.

How can we truly have positive family law reforms in this province without the judges and lawyers being held to account? Obviously not all of our judiciary and legal profession is rotten like this judge but it is unaceptable to have non governmental and or private oversight for judges and lawyers we see this same issue with police oversight in Ontario, police overseeing police? Wtf kind of a sick joke is that? Look at the sammy yatin case in Toronto where a police officer dumped an entire clip into a kid who was confined safely on a empty streetcar, despite the horrific incident being on video the police and courts backed this cop to the fullest charging him with attempted murder although he murdered the f*ck out of that kid.

We desperately need a system of independent oversight for these professions same with doctors etc etc.

I still encourage you to file a legitimate complaint if you have one i know it sounds odd to say that but in the end you need to expose it like i do here.

You reform family law from top to bottom not bottom to top.

Justice Paulseth is everything that is wrong with our judiciary and family courts and the public will not have faith in our institutions where people like this can run around destroying lives and disregarding the judicial principals unabated.

Do you have a story to share or a personal dealing with Justice Paulseth?

If so email me at t.abate81@gmail.com

We can discuss your options and i can personally assist you in drafting a complaint or helping you navigate your options, if its involving an Ontario judge or lawyer i will tell you your options.

Remember you are not alone in your struggles and keeping silent only enables the abuse to continue.


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