Lawyer Ratings and the practice of censorship.

Greetings everyone. It's been awhile since I've blogged and I have decided to start up again mainly because I like to have more reach than my personal facebook profile and page.(family law help ontario and beyond) My page is doing well these days and I have a solid following that I am proud of creating from scratch. At first the page was more of a father's rights thing and a way for me to vent but it has grown to be inclusive of parental rights in general. I have a good following of both mom's and dad's and I'm proud of that. The main focus of the page however is more geared to family law awareness and help to navigate a very complex system. I pride myself on staying positive and focused on the end goal, that being real and just family law reforms that put families and children first. I've made personal friends and established networks. Back to the point of today's blog!! I have had a very peculiar relationship with lawyer ratingz that started some years...