Ontario Judicial Council
Well folks its been awhile since I have posted, yes the struggle and battle carries on unfortunately, I have no good news to share in that regard but are we honestly at all suprised? I have taken a break for a few reasons the main one being the PTSD that comes from my case, it has really done a number on me in many aspects and secondly the utter frustration with a system that is completely ignorant to it all from our bullshit do nothing politicians and government to the regulatory bodies that only serve to cover up the misconduct, abuse of authority etc which brings me to the topic for today being the Ontario Judicial Council and the absolute farce it is truly is. The only time i have seen this joke of a council disipline a judge in this province is either when its politically motivated or when the misconduct cannot be covered up for example it being in the media but even than I have seen it go nowhere such as was the case in the Kaitlyn Sampson case. For anyone not aware of that ca...