
Showing posts from 2018

How to deal with bad lawyers

1. INTRODUCTION There seems to be an increasing need, expectation and emphasis on civility in our legal practice - - by our fellow lawyers, clients and the public. There is also an expectation, a demand by clients that from the beginning of their file we advocate fully, forcefully, fearlessly and sometimes fiercely on their behalf. To be civil, calm and courteous is seen by some clients and opposing counsel as cowardly, conceding, too cooperative and sometimes negligent. Mixed in with these often conflicting expectations of the lawyer is the attempt to limit the legal cost - - is the cost increased by taking a forceful adversarial approach, or is the cost increased by taking a civil, calm and courteous approach? Are there times on a file to be civil – for instance, at the outset? Are there times on the file to be the forceful adversary, the attack dog – for instance, upon attending Court? These often conflicting needs, expectations and demands, and the often confusing roles ...

How to cope with stress being a self rep

Coping with the court process Representing yourself in a family law case can be stressful and emotional. Beyond knowing the legal rules and procedures, it's important to learn how to make preparing for court easier on yourself. Following the tips in this fact sheet will help you feel better equipped to take on your case. Take care of yourself During the stress of preparing for court, it's important to maintain your health and well‐being. This is important for you as a person, and for your case. Taking care of yourself will help you be "on-the-ball" for court and have a more focused mind. Here are some ways to help you cope: Get enough rest  — Sleep is the fuel to a healthy mind and physical well-being. If you're over-tired, you may get impatient, frustrated, and irrational, which may impact your decisions. Eat a healthy diet  — Well-nourished bodies are better equipped to deal with stress. For example, eating a healthy breakfast on the morning of your he...

helpful links for self reps

Court forms: Ontario Family Law Rules: Family Law Appeals: Canlii ie: case law: Guide for Self Reps from Ontario Court of Justice:

Pauline Malcolm

Well my friends it has been awhile since I have put this lawyer here in Toronto on blast but I needed a bit of a break from everything including this blog and I am happy to announce my return to the realm of exposing these f*cking parasites that are destroying our families and children for profit. Yes once again we are talking about pauline malcolm. Pauline here practices family law out of the welfare office of family law (47 sheppard) as she cannot nor has the knowledge or know how to appear in the Superior Court of Justice as its a bit complex for a lawyer of her degree. Some may say (your just pissed off and its all about them sour grapes) well yes I am not pleased on a personal level as this race card playing feminist destroyed my children but that aside if we dont expose these people on the public record they just become more emboldened with their misconduct. You see friends one thing these lawyers and judges hate is them being exposed publicly as they hide behind ...

Justice Deborah Paulseth Update

Ok folks, we have teamed up with advocates via Canada Court Watch regarding Justice Deborah Paulseth in a move to expose this Judge and finally have her removed. What we need from you here in Ontario is if you have had dealings with this judge to contact me either through this page or by email and if you are in Ontario please share this post to get this information out as far as we can. If youve had dealings with this judge i kindly ask for any relevant court orders etc as we are trying to piece everything together to show the patterns of misconduct etc. The more we get this out there the more ppl we will be able to reach. Thank you for your help. Terrence.