Pauline Malcolm

Well my friends it has been awhile since I have put this lawyer here in Toronto on blast but I needed a bit of a break from everything including this blog and I am happy to announce my return to the realm of exposing these f*cking parasites that are destroying our families and children for profit.

Yes once again we are talking about pauline malcolm.

Pauline here practices family law out of the welfare office of family law (47 sheppard) as she cannot nor has the knowledge or know how to appear in the Superior Court of Justice as its a bit complex for a lawyer of her degree.

Some may say (your just pissed off and its all about them sour grapes) well yes I am not pleased on a personal level as this race card playing feminist destroyed my children but that aside if we dont expose these people on the public record they just become more emboldened with their misconduct.

You see friends one thing these lawyers and judges hate is them being exposed publicly as they hide behind their unions (Ontario Judicial Council) (Law society of Upper Canada) and these little clicks that self-regulate themselves do everything to bury your complaints, dismiss them as being vexatious and keeping them hidden from the public eye, this is how they operate.

I dont like or want to discourage people from filing legit complaints YOU SHOULD but please don't be so naive to think for a second that your complaint is going to be taken seriously or properly investigated because if it were these cockroaches would be out of business and you see friends that's all it is A BUSINESS that profits from the breakdown of your marriage, relationship etc but filing a complaint of course if it is legit will bury them in costs, lost time, productivity etc so in that regard file away but again only if its legit, dont fire off a complaint because your pissed off with the outcome.

The thing is the internet is public, anyone can see it but when you just go to their so called lmfao regulatory bodies your complaints are hidden and people cannot see what that judge or lawyer is doing to people and that is where I take f*cking issue big time!!

Recently the Ontario Government allowed Ombudsmen oversight of the childrens aid society and I applaud the government for that because there was some seriously f*cked up shit going on with them, I can't really speak on it though because I have not had dealings with them, im just speaking on what i have been told and seen on the news, internet etc but i have heard some horror stories.

Anyhow back to Pauline Malcolm.

Pauline is a very angry person with a serious axe to grind when it comes to fathers, why I couldn't tell you but I will assume something from her past brought that hatred on or perhaps just a learned behaviour but the point here is that we have a lawyer who is a very loose cannon who refuses to abide by the ethical guidelines.

Pauline has succesfully been able to have the website lawyer ratingz censor all reviews on her and trust me there was alot from fathers who have been victimized by pauline by her truly unethical conduct and when people have no voice and rely on a ratings website to speak even that site censors the truth.

I can assure you my friends I dont censor here I dont believe in it, its not right to shut down conversations, here you have a place to post, share your ideas and opinions.

Pauline needs to be exposed as the law society sure as hell wont do it.

I want to keep this blog up and even if people have had good experiences with her post it your input is welcome too.

I do see she now has a cheap website up and running and makes a point to provide two cases of a father she helped but it is what it is and sorry but two cases out of over 20 years doesnt redeem you because you see pauline the damage and destruction you have caused people over the years far outweighs the good.

I am in the process of reformatting this blog a bit to also help out self reps with info, law rules, assistance when i can with how to do paperwork, what forms to fill and whatnot but in the meantime you can check my page on facebook if your a self rep or whatever its family law help ontario and beyond


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